Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dogs with Children and Babies

by Janice Kumar
Most dogs are well disposed towards children. However there are always exceptions to the rule and nothing can be taken for granted. Some breeds have a natural tendency to enjoy a child's company, and some may be indifferent, reserved or hostile to them. It is important to understand which breed in general is good with children and then make sure that that the dog is not neurotic due to genetic problems or bad training, making it dangerous.
In short, no dog can be considered fully safe with children. Many television and movies propagate the myth that dogs are a child's best friend, however it must be remembered that a dog does not act rationally in human terms. A dog will always follow its instincts and act as a pack animal with its specific needs.
To get a dog familiar with children, it is important to let the child interact with it. Children can help with the chores of feeding a dog, grooming it and taking it for walks. As the friendship between the dog and the child deepens, the dog will start to love and protect the child. This will take time and effort and should not be assumed to happen automatically. Smaller, preschool children should never be left alone with dogs and puppies.
Children should be taught to treat dogs with respect and kindness. Pulling the tails or ears of a dog should be discouraged because the dog, also feels pain. A dog in pain can react violently. A dog (especially a puppy) needs long periods of peace, rest and sleep. If denied, it can react violently.
A baby should not be kept in isolation from a dog in the house. If this is done, the dog may fell that the hidden baby is not part of the family (pack) and may react violently to its presence. A grown dog may try to drive away the (baby) intruder. It is therefore important to introduce the baby to the dog and let it understand that the baby is part of the family.
Lead the dog to the baby talking to it in friendly terms. The dog will want to sniff the baby and lick it. Allow this to happen and the dog will slowly understand that the baby belongs to the family and will even try to protect it. It is important not to give the dog cause for jealously by ignoring it in favor of the baby. As you love and take care of the baby and the dog together, both will coexist and enjoy each other's company.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional vet to find a lasting cure for any problem. Please consult a professional , before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Weird Dog Behavior - Is this Normal?

Janice Kumar
A dog may at times behave in a way which dies not seem normal to humans. The pet owner may become perplexed and a little worried unable to explain weird behavior. The behavior may seem odd to the human, but for a dog, it may be all in a days work!
Here are a few random 'weird' behavior patterns that may be perfectly normal and may have a perfectly valid reason governing their behavior. At times, some modification in dog behavior may be possible and desirable, however many a times, nothing effective can be done.
A pet dog may love to roll in the smelly dirt and grass, especially after a bath. This may be very irritating to a dog owner, who may see all his effort at keeping a dog clean go waste. However the dog may be doing this specific act to mask his scent. This is one dog trait that the pet owner may find almost impossible top change or control.
A pet dog digging holes in a perfectly manicured garden can be very annoying to the owner. However, a dog owner has to remember that digging is a basic instinct with most dogs. They may be burying something or trying to reach the cooler soil underneath. If, repeated observation, shows that the dog is digging for no apparent reason, it may be prudent to designate a specific area for the dog to dig. This will prevent the whole garden from being spoiled and limit the damage to a particular designated area.
A dog chasing its tail, can be amusing for a while. It is perfectly normal doggy behavior. However if it becomes excessive, then you need to find the underlying reason. One possible reason could be that the dog gets lot of positive attention while chasing its tail. Encouragement in the form of loud clapping and excitement shown by those around the dog, may encourage the dog to keep chasing its tail, seeking continued attention. It is time for the humans around the dog to change their behavior, before the dog will change.
A dog jumping on visitors and the owner as he enters the house, is normal affectionate behavior. It may have been lonely for a while and may be pleased to find company. A small puppy keeps jumping on everyone, seeking attention and is considered cute. This same behavior when translated into the grown dog is irritating to some owners. However this is a normal extension of the same puppy behavior.
Dogs may like to ride in the car with their heads sticking out of the car window. The dog does this for the fresh air and to soak in new smells and sights. This may be normal dog behavior, but it may be prudent to keep the windows partially closed to discourage this kind of behavior so that the dog may not get harmed by passing vehicles or road debris.
A dog may chew up shoes on account of a couple of reasons. It may be teething or just seeking attention. if it is teething, it makes sense to provide it with store bought chew toys. If, it is seeking attention, keep your shoes safe and give the dog lots of love and attention and time and it will start to reciprocate. A dog may chew socks and other pieces of clothing to vent its frustration or anxiety. When it starts to do this on a regular basis, the pet owner needs to give it more attention, more exercise and some company.
Many big and small dogs are sacred of thunder. This is normal as the loud sound coming from seemingly nowhere, can scare a pet.
I hope you found the above explanations for weird dog behavior useful. Many a times, it is just the dig seeking attention and minor behavioral modification techniques can help amend weird patterns. However at times weird behavior, is a perfectly normal doggy trait.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional vet to find a lasting cure for any problem. Please consult a professional , before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.