Thursday, April 30, 2009

Barking Dog Help

by Janice Kumar
If your dog keeps barking, you need to find the cause and the corrective measures will follow. All dogs bark, what is important is to find out why the dog is barking loudly.
A dog may bark at strangers as it is out of its comfort zone with them and is naturally protective of its turf and its owner.
It may bark because it is a alone and seeks company or if it is naturally aggressive.
A dog may also be barking because it is being abused, neglected or ignored. A dog is a pack animal and needs the love and attention of the family to be happy and contented.
If the dog insists on barking and annoying everyone around, there are a few techniques and options available.
The first is behavioral modification. This involves finding out the specific cause and then altering the response of the dog to that cause. For example, if the dog barks every time a heavy vehicle goes by..Next time try and divert its attention and give it a ball to grab.. Reward it with biscuits etc if it does not bark. Reinforce the positive. This needs to be done again and again before a satisfactory result can be had. It may take a few tries, but the results are long term.
A dog (shock) collar can be used to reinforce a No. But this is better used with lot of care as dogs can get used to pain quite quickly and then they will be difficult to control. If used incorrectly the electrodes can cause infection and further complication.
There are other kind of dog collars giving different kinds of negative reinforcements. However all of them have to be used for a short time only, targeted towards modifying a specific behavioral problem and have to be used consistently to break that association. They require sensitive handling and careful handling to avoid doing damage to the dog in more ways than one.
If the dog is barking out of loneliness because for example it is left alone for long periods of time, then you need to give it various old articles, like an old blanket of the owner or some other used article it can associate with its master. This will help give it some kind of an association with the absent owner and help it get over the loneliness. It should also, preferably not be chained.
If nothing works, the last option is Debarking. In this method, a part of the vocal cords of the dog are snipped by a vet and the dog bark becomes less loud. Some pet lovers feel this is an inhumane way to control a dog's loud bark as the dog may lose self respect or become cowed down. However in extreme cases, this may be a last resort. This will reduce the intensity of the noise level but will not help in modification of the dog behavior.
Unfortunately many pet owners do not make the effort to find out the cause of the dog barking and try to go for a quick fix. Incase, the dog owner finds himself to be at a loss, it may be better for him or her to seek the help of a professional dog trainer who will help in behavioral modification of the dog and will also provide appropriate guidance and counseling.
I hope you find these tips useful. Do experiment a bit to check what will work best for your pet. Best of luck.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional vet to find a lasting cure for any problem. Please consult a professional , before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Healthy Doggy Snack

by Janice Kumar
Keeping a dog healthy is a challenge. Especially when dogs are prone to eating and sniffing at almost any kind of food. A dog is also prone to picking up ticks and fleas from the environment and other 'friendly' dogs and pets. The pet owner goes through pain and suffering when the beloved pet falls ill. A healthy and happy pet keeps the pet owner also happy and joyous.
Healthy food which is well balanced and contains essential nutrients is a must have for all pet dogs. This kind of food helps prevent illness and helps in all around development of the dog. It is not healthy to give a dog left overs as these left overs can contain fungus and toxic compounds which may be unhealthy for pets. Leftovers are not necessarily a balanced meal for the pet dog.
I give below a Dog Biscuit Recipe which is vegetarian. It is healthy and also helps prevent ticks in the dog.
To create this Super Doggie Veggie Biscuit, collect the following ingredients.
One garlic clove
60 grams margarine or butter.
150 grams whole wheat flour
60 grams grated cheese
60- 70 grams mixed chopped vegetables like beans, carrots, cabbage.
The Process is as follows.
Crush the garlic clove and keep it in a cup.
Now mix the grated cheese and margarine (butter) together in a mixing pan. To this mixture add the crushed garlic clove and mix thoroughly so that the garlic is spread evenly throughout the mixture. It is this, garlic which will help prevent ticks and flea infection in the fur of the dog.
Add the chopped vegetables to this mixture and then stir in the whole wheat flour. Stir well and add milk as required to form a a ball shape which stays together.
Refrigerate for up to a couple of hours to harden the flour ball ( with all the ingredients mixed in).
Now roll on a floured surface and cut into desired shapes. You may create circular biscuits or square ones as desired.
Bake these raw biscuits in an oven at 375 Degrees Fahrenheit for at least 15 minutes or until they are slightly brown.
Remove the tray from the oven, let the biscuits cool on their own before offering them to the pet as a tasty healthy snack.
It is munch time !!

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional vet to find a lasting cure for any problem. Please consult a professional , before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.